6 Point Classic Star
6 Point Classic Star
6 Point Classic Star


Capital investment at the nexus where

Israel innovation and impact meet

Our Mission

We are dedicated to driving positive change in ​Israel by ensuring the ongoing success of their ​world-class innovation.

Star of David

About Us

IDA Ventures is a platform for investing capital and ​time. We focus on establishing connections, ​facilitating growth and success of Israeli start-ups.

Israeli flag

Are you an investor passionate ​about Israel and looking to ​partner with us?

At IDA Ventures, we're seeking partners who share our passion for ​innovation and are ready to invest alongside us to drive ​transformative change.

Are you a founder ready to ​showcase your company?

We actively welcome passionate start-up founders who share our ​vision to showcase their companies and explore collaboration ​opportunities. Sign up today for your chance to pitch!

Business presentation
Star of David


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